Online and Real Time Ordering - Third Party
Online Pickup, Delivery and Kiosk
Configuration and Flow Diagrams
Third Party Ordering Interface (TCP/IP - DLL) and XML Specification (PDF) (XML deprecated - Use JSON)
XML Specification and Examples (PDF) (XML deprecated - Use JSON)
Real Time Ordering
JSON Examples
Third Party Ordering Integration (PDF)
Log File Locations
Installation and Instructions
Useful Utilities
Spreadsheets listing either all POSItems or just the POSItems in files designated as "Kiosk". (Zip) Click to download and unzip. Instructions included.
Raw spreadsheet retrieving Kiosk POSItems.
Click to 'Open' then right click in 'A1' and take 'Refresh Data'
Raw spreadsheet retrieving all POSItems.
Click to 'Open', then right click in 'A1' and take 'Refresh Data'