Comtrex Atreemo Auth Service Reference and Installation Instructions

General Info About This Service

This service is responsible for acquiring and maintaining authorization tokens. An authorization token is required by the POS2100.EXE to initiate a Zillionaire member info request to the Atreemo api. The database table "AtreemoDefinitions" has fields that are encrypted along with other data and sent via TCP/IP to the Atreemo OAuth2 server to acquire an authorization token. The acquired token is encrypted and stored in "AtreemoDefinitions". The token is currently valid for 24 hours and if not refreshed prior to 24 hours, will expire. Atreemo sets the token's expiration time. Sixty minutes prior to the token expiring, this service will refresh the token for a subsequent 24 hours. This process continues as long as this service is running.
Mandatory Installation Prerequisites
  1. This service is intended to be installed only by Comtrex installation and support personnel.
  2. AtreemoDefinitions is populated with programming.exe.
Installation Instructions
Important: Read this section before starting installation.
  1. These instructions are assuming you are logged on to, and performing this installation from the actual target machine.
  2. Installation should be on the PC that is hosting the Odyssey databases.
  3. If "Comtrex Atreemo Auth Service" is already installed, perform the following steps.
    • Administrative Tools > Services > Stop "Comtrex Atreemo Auth Service".
    • Control Panel > Add Remove Programs > Remove "Comtrex Atreemo Auth Service".
  4. Click on the installation link below to run or download (ftp) the installation program.
    • If downloading, download it to any temporary directory on your C: drive.
    • If running directly, ignore the security warning.
  5. If you downloaded "AtreemoAuthServiceSetupxxx.msi", execute it to start the installation.
Installation Followup
  1. Go to Administrative Tools --> Services. Find "Comtrex Atreemo Auth Service" and start the service.
  2. Wait a few seconds, then check the daily log file to see if any failures. Log file location is listed below.
  3. That completes the installation.
  4. Any time changes are made to "POS System Options -> Atreemo Definitions", be sure to restart service so changes are read by service.
  5. If Atreemo is no longer needed at store, please set service to disabled, or uninstall service.
Installation Reference
  1. Files and Folders created, installed or updated by this installation.
    • (32 bit) C:\Program Files\Comtrex Systems\AtreemoAuthService
      (64 bit) C:\Program Files (x86)\Comtrex Systems\AtreemoAuthService
      • AtreemoAuthService.exe - Windows Service.
      • AtreemoAuthService.exe.config - Configuration file.
    • C:\ProgramData\Comtrex Systems\AtreemoAuthService
      • LogFiles - Folder with daily log files.
  2. There are no registry settings.
  3. Configuration file settings. These should never need updating.
    Value NameValue DataDescription
    PreExpirationRefreshMinutes 60 This should not be changed without direction from engineering. This is the time prior to the authorization token expiring that the service will attempt to update the authorization token.
Version History (AtreemoAuthService.exe)

Click here to Download.

Page last updated: June 20, 2023